are the reason that my boys are still alive. Today was a bad day. Lets go with I've been up since 4 am with a little boy having a bad night. Then said little boy decided that it was morning time at 5:58am. Then he screamed loudly enough to wake up his brother. Oh I love my children, I love my children, I love my children.
Wearily and somewhat despairingly, I skyped my husband and crawled back into bed. Sometime later he called and prayed. Right after I hung up, the phone rang. It was my MIL asking if she could take my boys this morning. I just about wept for joy! I got the boys out the door, Aris fed, her lunch made and Aris to school on time, and then I just took care of me. Wow! That made all the difference.
I really really hope that the kids sleep tonight because I'm babysitting three other children tomorrow. Yes, I am a wee bit nuts. On the bright side, I won't be bored tomorrow. :)
oh Gracie. thank God for grandparents is right! <<<<<<>>>>>>>