Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rainy Restful Saturday

  Last night I had plans for adventures.  But when today dawned rainy and my head didn't want to lift from my pillow, I decided to be practical.  Instead we stayed at home to rest and attack chores.  The stress of this week has caught up, leaving me exhausted, shaky and weak.  At one point, I was having trouble slicing butter. *sigh* But we had a lovely family breakfast that Steve made,  Aris and I baked together and Steve and I shared coffee and a devotional time.  It was a calm time of reflection, reading, confession, repentance and prayer. Nothing quite like a kick in the pants to get us praying together...

 The day wasn't perfect as both the kids and I had a meltdown.  But Aris made sugar cookies and iced them too.  Steve and the boys went grocery shopping.  We had some very fun moments as a family.  Kian let Steve take a sliver out of his foot and was very very brave too!  He actually asked us to deal with it and then let me bravely hold him.  When it started to hurt too much, he got scared and decided he needed to nurse, but still held very still.  This was amazing coming from our child who often won't even let us look at an owie, let alone put a bandaid on it.

 Today I am thankful for small things, and big things( like not setting the house on fire). I'm also excited about the promise of adventure tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't set my house on fire today either! high-5 :o) yep...thank God for small mercies. They keep me going too.
