Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Gift for Beauty

I can't make things look pretty.  No matter how hard I try, or what I envision in my head, I can't make things beautiful. I can make things taste good, but it won't look pretty.  Thanks to a very determined friend, I apply makeup with reasonable proficiency and I can pick out a nice outfit.  But even those skills did not come naturally. I just can't make things look good.

 Then there is my husband. That man is gifted! No matter what it is, he can make it look good.  He's sprinkled sugar and arranged strawberries on cake, decorates the Christmas tree and has hung all of the decorations in our house.  He has an eye for beauty.  Out of that comes a gift for photography.  His pictures are stunning.

 Steve's been working with the kids on their science fair projects.  He and Aris decided to take photographs of her experiments.  I did not know that science projects could look that good!  If I had done it, it wouldn't be nearly so pretty that's for sure!  Zane's project pictures are also works of art.  After seeing the pictures of both projects, I have been ruminating on how talented my husband is.  Wow!  I'm very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful to have a loving and gifted husband...and to appreciate his gifts?!
