Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Second Chances

 The kernels swirled round and round until finally pouring out white into waiting bowl.  But midst the white fluffy tasty morsels poured out hard golden kernels.  And I wondered as I've wondered before why these kernels just don't pop.

 Perhaps they just need a second chance.

 Scoffing at myself, I grabbed a spoon and searched the bottom of the bowl.  Slowly, slowly I filled the holder on top and then dumped the hard kernels back in.  It took awhile, because the kernels hid, hiding their shame under their brothers and sisters that did it right the first time.  Perhaps they cowered, rolling away from my spoon, fearing a lecture on their defiance or stubbornness or brokenness.  Perhaps they feared going back into the heat and turbulence, but I shut my ears to their imagined screams and heartlessly dumped them back in.

 And then it happened.  They popped.  Slowly at first, but then the rattling stopped, the popping began and a steady stream of white poured out of the spout again.  Perhaps all they needed was a second chance.

 Why does that sound so familiar?

Linking my whimsy for somewhere it is Thursday,


  1. oh, i really like your whimsy : )

  2. I really like the image of screaming popcorn kernels--what fun! I love whimsy. And quirkiness.

  3. second chances...and more...what we all need because rarely do we get it right the first time..

  4. I love this line
    Slowly at first, but then the rattling stopped, the popping began
    sometimes a second dose of heat and rattling are needed but then rattling stops and results appear, such a great picture!

  5. smiles :) enjoying your whimsy - thanks :}

  6. I like your whimsy, too. I'm always so thankful for a second chance. : )

  7. i am all for second chances and popcorn...smiles

  8. Those are some sensitive, intelligent kernels of corn.

  9. why does this resonate so well w/ me, too? yes, we need 2nd chances and by Grace we are all white, too.
    love this!!

  10. this is really awesome. i love your thoughts here. from another in desperate need of second chances... thank You Jesus for giving them.

  11. What a nice way to illustrate this very important truth. Loved it!

  12. What a beautiful illustration of the need to give people more time to become who they are! Patience is amazing and allows people room for God to continue HIS work in them!

  13. beautiful prose, grace. beautiful heart.

  14. What a neat picture with popcorn . . . just like God to give us new mercies!

  15. love it...second chances are so beautiful aren't they?

  16. ...yes, don't we all need a second chance...this is beautifully spoken! :-)
