Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Well-behaved Children

 Today was not a good day.  I woke up exhausted and the day went downhill from there.  It wasn't so much that I had a horrible day, as it was that I had enough bumps to be completely emotionally drained.  I've cried or felt like crying a lot today!

 The absolutely best part of my day was the appointment with the optometrists.  My older children had eye appointments after school so off we went.  Now I think I'm not alone in dreading any sort of appointment with children in tow.  Waiting rooms are the worst!  It's not that my kids are bad, it's more that they are very active and not very quiet children.   Waiting rooms are not set up for my type of children.  I keep hoping that they'll morph into bookworms and then waiting rooms will become much much easier.  At first Kian was running around and very upset that he didn't get an appointment too.  He wants so badly to be a big kid!  Then we were led back to the special waiting area that has toys and books.  Oh it was heavenly! The boys started playing nicely(hallelujah!) and Aris found a magazine.  Both Aris and Zane went in without any fuss for their appointments, and all three of them played(or read) very nicely.  They were so good I didn't want to leave when we were done and neither did they.  I seriously considered leaving, but wasn't sure how understanding the staff would be. :)  After the tumultuous day I had, their good behaviour was a soothing balm.  And I enjoyed reading my magazine. :)

 For those of you who pray, please pray for me tomorrow.  I have a meeting set up that promises to be challenging. Thank you! *hugs*

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