Thursday, April 1, 2010

Finding the Lost

Tomorrow is Good Friday. Not only is this a day of remembrance with my family, it is also a day that the grocery stores are not open. This can be a problem as as a family we like to eat. So this evening, I along with many other people visited the local grocery store. After carefully selecting my purchases, I found a line. Just as the next person in line paid, I realized that I didn't have my wallet. *gasp* This was just a little nerve-wracking! Thankfully the cashier was very nice to me, and I left my groceries and went out to the van. I called Steve, but he hadn't seen my wallet. I called my client whom I had visited that afternoon, but she hadn't seen my wallet. Off I headed to my last destination all the while praying that the door would still be unlocked. Miracles of miracles, the door was unlocked and my wallet was hiding on a couch, untouched! Back to the grocery store I went where my groceries were waiting for me. And now after much running around, I am home again. :)

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