Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Canadian Please

 Apparently this little gem has been out for a year, but I just found it today.  It feels appropriate as some of my friends and family members are taking the plunge and getting Canadian citizenship.  Check it out here. I've only listened to this about five times now. :)

 As of 3:20 this afternoon, school is officially out for the summer! I'm excited to have my munchkins home for two months and they are looking forward to being home.  Aris asked if she could be homeschooled for the summer. :)  Our plans include participating in the summer reading program at our local library.  I signed Aris up this evening and she has already read her first book, mostly on her own.  We plan to sign up the boys tomorrow.  I'm very proud of Aris' new reading skills and so thankful for her teachers that have encouraged her efforts.  If it weren't for them, she probably wouldn't be reading nearly as well as she did tonight.

 Saying goodbye to her teachers was probably the hardest part of today.  I'm not sure I adequately thanked them enough. It was also hard saying goodbye to our friends.  Hopefully we'll be able to have playdates and barbeques with them over the summer, but I definitely felt the loss even with those friends that I know I'll be hanging out with.  Since I forgot to return the signed portion of the report cards, I plan on visiting the school tomorrow and thanking the teachers that I didn't get a chance to today.

 Yay for summer, good teachers, good friends, and a good last day of school!  Now to convince my children to sleep in...:)

1 comment:

  1. omgosh - love that video! just shared it on FB. :) thanks hun!
